Cremation is the process through which a deceased person’s body is reduced to bone fragments and ashes. The method used to perform this process varies by state and region, but bodies are typically placed into an oven, where they are dried out to reduce their weight by about 60%. Dried bones are then pulverized into fine particles of about 90% by volume and carefully collected for later use.

There are several types of cremation Seattle. The laws that govern your right to choose the type of cremation you want may vary by state or region.

We’ve discussed them below;

Direct cremation

Direct cremation is the simplest and least expensive way to dispose of a loved one. It’s also the fastest way for a body to be cremated, so it’s ideal for people who need to have the body cremated quickly or whose circumstances make them unable or unwilling to pay for a full-service funeral. If you choose direct cremation, no services will be held, and your loved one will be cremated as soon as possible after death. In most cases, this means within 24 hours after death.

The body is usually kept at home until it can be transported directly to the funeral home or crematory in which you’ve chosen your service provider. However, some states require embalming before transport. It’s then taken to the cremation spot directly.

The staff at your chosen place of business will remove any clothing on your loved one’s body before placing it into their container. It is usually a combustible cardboard box. They then start the process using either gas or electricity. Afterwards, ashes are returned in whatever container was provided by family members. If none were selected beforehand, plastic bags would typically suffice just fine.

Liquid cremation

Alkaline hydrolysis, also known as liquid cremation, uses hot water and lye to turn a body into liquid. It’s considered an eco-friendly alternative to traditional cremation because it uses less energy and produces fewer pollutants. Liquid cremation is sometimes used for animal remains but can also be used on human bodies.

Green cremation

Green cremation is the process of eco-friendly, low-emission cremation. In this type of cremation, there is no embalming-the process that slows decay required, and bodies are not refrigerated. This means that bodies can be disposed of within hours after death which is a big time-saver for funeral homes and families alike. Green cremation requires less energy and releases fewer toxins into the air than traditional methods.

The other major difference between green burial and traditional burial or cremation is what happens to the body once it’s been reduced to ash. In traditional burials, bodies are buried in coffins underground. With green burial practices, you can choose what to do with your body when reduced to ashes. Bury them or scatter them somewhere else entirely.

Bottom Line

Cremation is a process of disposing of the human body after death by reducing it to basic elements such as bone fragments. It is not as uncommon a practice as one might think, as it has been around for thousands of years. It saves time, not to mention that it’s environmental-friendly.


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