The position you sleep in is directly related to sleep quality; however, what is effective for one person is not always the best for someone else. Supine sleeping — which means sleeping with your back. The article below will discuss the advantages of sleeping on the back and why it’s not suitable for someone. We also offer tips for the best ways to sleep.
The Advantages Of Sleeping On Your Back
Experts recommend lying on your back in a supine posture. Sleepers who lie on their backs might be sleeping by laying their legs and arms spread out in front of them in a sternum position. Some people rest with their arms by their sides.
The advantages from sleeping in the supine posture depend on the individual; however, they could include these:
Can Provide Relief From Neck And Back Pain
When you sleep on your back, it puts the entire cervical spine, including the neck, in a neutral posture. This posture prevents twisting and compression, leading to neck and lower back pain. You just need to train yourself to sleep on your back.
Can Lessen headaches
Incorrect alignment of the neck while sleeping could cause headaches. Patients suffering from headaches often wake in the middle of the night with pain that radiates down their back and into the front of their head and the forehead.
Can Also Help Prevent Wrinkles
Studies have proven that pressing the face against pillows while sleeping can enlarge the skin. As time passes, this could make age-related signs visible by producing wrinkles during sleep. This is a problem for those that sleep on their stomachs or to the side. A supine sleeping position may help prevent a person’s face from pressing into pillows throughout the night.
Other methods to help reduce wrinkles are:
- stopping smoking, if it is applicable
- avoiding excessive sun exposure
- eating a healthful diet
- daily moisturising of the skin
How Can You Train Yourself To Sleep On The Back
The position a person will sleep in is generally established early in their lives, and it isn’t always simple to alter. It is important to remember that individuals rarely remain in the same position they lay down. Adults usually shift positions between 11 to 45 times in a typical eight-hour sleep period.
Additionally, the fact is that supine sleep is not suitable for all. Although some claim that it may ease discomfort and pain, others say that it can make them feel worse. If one was interested in lying on their backs, it could be done through:
- by placing a small pillow under the neck, and a softer pillow beneath the head
- using the memory foam pillow
- Placing a pillow under the knees
- by placing a pillow on the lower back
- ensuring they have a comfortable bed. They can go for choosing a queen or king-size bed
Whatever method a person decides to take, one should realise that establishing new habits can require some time.
Some Other Tips
A good night’s sleep doesn’t necessarily begin or end with the bed’s position. Anyone who wants better sleep should start with a healthy sleep routine.
As per the American Academy Of Sleep Medicine, the term “good sleep” or hygiene is a set of practises that can aid a person to fall asleep and remain asleep.
These habits can help you promote the best sleep hygiene practises:
- Going to bed and getting up simultaneously each day and even on weekends.
- Sleeping in early enough to get seven hours of sleep.
- Not going to bed until you are tired, getting up when you’re unable to sleep within 20 minutes of waking up, making a nighttime relaxing routine, for example, taking an ice-cold bath.
- Make use of the bed to sleep and have sex, ensuring that your bedroom is peaceful, tranquil, and at a pleasant temperature.
- Turning off electronic gadgets at least 30 mins before going to bed
- exercising daily
- Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and into the early evening.
- Beware of drinking before bed.
When Should You Not Sleep On Your Back?
A back-sleep position is not for everyone. People suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea should avoid sleeping in supine positions. OSA is a typical sleep disorder where the entire or a portion of an individual’s airway collapses during sleep. It stops them from breathing and then wakes them up.
The position of the back when you sleep can cause OSA worse. Patients with OSA tend to sleep on their stomachs or their sides. A back-sleep position could also cause people to be more likely to breathe heavily and make back pain more severe. Experts suggest pregnant women during their 3rd trimester not sleep on their backs because it may lower the flow of blood to the foetus. It’s generally more comfortable for women that sleep on their sides. In such cases try sleeping on your side as there are many benefits to sleeping on your side.
Sleep position is directly linked to the quality of your sleep. However, the ideal situation will differ for each person. Supine sleeping is kinder on the neck and back as it helps keep your spine in an upright posture. It also helps people avoid headaches at night and wrinkles.
In some cases, it could make the problem more severe. Patients who suffer from OSA and pregnant women who are in the third trimester of their pregnancy must avoid sleeping on their backs as much as they are able.
One can learn to lie on their back should they wish to. A few methods include adding pillows and making sure that the person sleeps on an appropriate mattress. A few methods include adding pillows and making sure that the person sleeps on an appropriate single bed mattress.
It is important to remember that everybody changes their position numerous times during their sleep. Even if someone falls asleep on their side or back, however, this does not mean that they’ll stay in that position for the entire night.
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