Whether you’re looking for free resources or paid courses, you can find many excellent resources online. Some popular sites offer free courses, but you may want to consider paying a little money for a better experience. There are many premium members who are given advanced grammar lessons and extra features, such as creating your own study schedule and choosing how often you want to be reminded of certain lessons. Some sites also connect you with language exchange partners, allowing you to chat with native English speakers and swap tips and tricks.


If you want to learn English for free, there are a few ways to do so. One of the most popular ways is through Udacity, a learning platform that offers free online certification courses. Udacity is a nonprofit company that was created by Stanford University to train the world’s workforce for the careers of the future. The company has partnered with leading technology companies to provide students with courses that will help them gain critical tech skills and become highly employable.

One of the most important aspects of learning a new language is grammar. This is the foundation of every language and has its own set of rules. Vocabulary is the second important part of learning English. The words in a language are the bricks, and sentences are built out of them. Eventually, these bricks can become pages and even books. Grammar is the building block of any language, so there are different methods to work on it.

Rosetta Stone

When you sign up for the free trial of Rosetta Stone, you can expect to get access to 12 to 20 units, which are divided into four to five levels. Each unit emphasizes different aspects of the language, including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and reading and writing. Lessons typically consist of matching pictures to phrases and listening to a man’s voice say the equivalent of a goodbye or hello. In the end, the program asks you to follow a mock conversation to see how well you’re progressing.

As with any language, learning the proper pronunciation starts early. Rosetta Stone’s immersion methods focus on speaking the language, and its patented TruAccent speech recognition engine allows you to compare your pronunciation with that of native English speakers to improve your pronunciation. With practice, you’ll soon find yourself holding real conversations with native speakers. By the end of your free trial, you’ll have enough confidence to speak English like a native!


If you want to learn English for free, Udemy is an excellent place to start. Udemy is an all-in-one online english classes platform and many of its courses use videos and quizzes to teach you the language. You can even find courses that are filtered by the institutions offering them, as well as specific topics. There are also plenty of paid courses that have a live teacher and are perfect for the advanced beginner.

Many different courses on the site will help you improve your English skills, including beginners’ courses and advanced lessons. Beginner’s courses will usually contain audio and video lectures, practice exercises, quizzes, and tests. Other courses cover the basics of writing and speaking as well as different aspects of job applications, taxes, and law issues. You may also find a course that teaches you how to become a U.S. citizen.

Let’s Talk

If you’re looking to improve your English skills for free, here are some resources that can help you. First, you can try Let’s Talk, a popular YouTube channel with a wide variety of video lessons. These videos cover a variety of topics, including accent improvement, conversation skills, and even common speaking errors. You can also download the app and learn on the go. With a variety of video lessons available, you’re sure to find one that fits your needs.

ESL Pod is another great way to learn English online. With more than 1200 episodes available, this podcast is perfect for any level of the learner. It covers everything from vocabulary to grammar to real-life situations. Unlike a traditional English teacher, ESL Pod is free to download. While the videos are short, the lessons are very useful for learning the language instructors. You’ll be able to practice your listening and speaking skills and become more confident when speaking English with others.

Tsinghua University

If you want to learn English in China for free, you have probably wondered how you can enroll in a course offered by Tsinghua University. While Peking University is the oldest university in China, Tsinghua became the first elite university in the world to shift its classes online in 2020. Listed below are the ways to sign up for a free online course from Tsinghua University.

One of the biggest challenges for Tsinghua was addressing the perception that remote learning was a poor cousin. Many higher education leaders around the world hold similar views. According to a survey by the Times Higher Education, two-thirds of university leaders believe online education will not replace campus learning by 2030. Similarly, seventy percent of respondents do not believe digital technology will eliminate physical lectures by 2030.

Oxford Online English

One of the best ways to learn English online is to join a free course. Free online courses are widely available, and many of them will teach you the basics quickly. Some of them will teach you the most basic skills, while others can take you to intermediate or advanced levels. This article will discuss some of the best sites for free online English courses. Regardless of which one you choose, there’s bound to be something for you!


For example, you can join a free course at Alison, which has helped over two million graduates upskill. Course content is presented through presentation slides, so you won’t get any one-on-one help. There are also free courses on Udemy and another one, which offers 100,000 self-development courses. These sites are perfect for those who don’t have time for tutors or can’t afford them.


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