If you’re not familiar with the term “high-quality guest post sites,” you’re in for a treat. Unlike Forum only sites, where your article may not be published, these high-quality sites have guidelines you can follow. The free Chrome extension ‘Keywords Everywhere’ will show you where to submit a guest post and how to use Benchmarkemail, a marketing platform, to generate more traffic.
300+ high-quality guest post sites
It used to be that guest posts were written solely for SEO purposes and aimed at generating backlinks to your site, causing it to rise up the SERPs. However, the world of search engine optimization has evolved and Google is more interested in giving people the best results possible. Recently, Google implemented the Penguin update, which targeted webspam websites. That hasn’t stopped people from writing guest posts to promote their site. Here are 300+ high-quality guest post sites to submit to today.
Forum only sites are not high-quality guest post sites
The first thing you should know about forum only guest post sites is that they don’t provide high-quality guest posts. These sites are notorious for producing low-quality articles, which are difficult to rank for, as they are not associated with the real author. They also lack content, whereas guest posts are written by an actual person with an interest in a subject. Furthermore, most forum links are spammy affiliate sites. While blatant link spam is obvious, some more subtle forms of link spam may pass the spam sniff test. They may use keyword-rich links, duplicated content or other techniques to create an impression of quality and relevance.
‘Keywords Everywhere’ is a free Chrome extension
The ‘Keywords Everywhere’ tool is a great tool for generating high quality keyword lists for your guest posts. By analyzing web pages, you can get a list of keywords for each page. Before you begin, you will need to integrate the keyword tool into your browser. Keywords everywhere displays the competition and volume of a keyword in the search page.
Benchmarkemail is a marketing platform
Benchmarkemail is an email marketing platform. Using the name benchmarkemail, they brand themselves as a “benchmark” and value content more than word count. You’ll be served by over 700k subscribers every month who value quality content over word count. This is good news for guest bloggers and marketers alike. They can leverage the platform’s vast network of bloggers to get their name in front of thousands of readers. Even you can buy guest posting services.
Social Media Examiner is strict about guest posting
One of the biggest challenges of running a blog is generating quality content. Leaving this task to just one person can result in blog fatigue and misses an opportunity to bring in guest bloggers. By leveraging the expertise of several contributors, KISSmetrics and Social Media Examiner have made guest posting a part of their marketing process. Guest posting can relieve the workload of your marketing team by providing different perspectives and voices.
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