Since 2018, interest in customer data platforms (CDPs) has increased, but many technology buyers are still unsure of exactly what CDPs are, what they perform, and how they might help a business. There are four different forms of CDP. According to Gartner: CDP Engines and Toolkits, Marketing Cloud, Smart Hub, and Marketing Data Integration.

Cloud CDP Marketing

CDP in marketing works best for marketing teams and businesses that currently utilize well-known CRM and ESP technologies for marketing purposes and then supplement their total offering with a CDP. The newest CDPs are for marketing and are provided by reputable cloud service providers. A major contrast for marketers, especially at larger corporations, was that these organizations were best placed to develop a new set of tools to meet the need. These large platforms are excellent for collecting data. They enable the use of a single database by marketing teams as well as entire businesses. It could be better to speak with your rep about their CDP product if you already use one of these technologies for data collection and business management of any kind.

A platform for customer data as a smart hub

The best CDP smart hub kinds are for: Teams in marketing who want an intuitive user interface but don’t want a lot of complex or technical CDP features (especially cross-functionally) Smart hub CDPs have an early emphasis on marketing coordination and personalization through a single interface. Smart hub To assist marketers to use the product and improve the consumer experience, CDPs have achieved this by creating a straightforward, clear, and user-friendly backend interface. This would imply that these tools occasionally put platform design ahead of usefulness, but that is sometimes acceptable.

Integration of marketing data via CDP

Customer data platforms with marketing data integration work best for: Marketing professionals who frequently collaborate with data teams and development teams require similar data arrangement and collecting for purposes other than marketing. Cross-functional teams who don’t use a broader platform can benefit greatly from these CDPs. The data is the main emphasis of marketing data integration CDPs. Although they have strong APIs and data governance features, they nevertheless give marketers freedom and ease of use.

Engines and toolkit CDP

The top CDP engines and toolkits are used for organizations with extremely unique CDP use cases that no best-in-class CDP can resolve. Organizations that want to create their solution should use CDP engines and toolkits. They are open-source programs. Unless your product is that CDP, developing your CDP isn’t usually worthwhile for businesses. Rather than creating a brand-new tool when there are effective alternatives already available, it is often thought to be much preferable to devote time and resources to enhance your product, customer support, or other important business activities.


A durable unified customer database may be created by all kinds of CDPs, enabling various departments to gather information and actively work toward providing customers with a personalized experience across all touchpoints. Other systems can access CDPs. Some serve as data hubs, transferring data to other tools for in-depth study and marketing use. Others have created a whole platform so marketers may test data.

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