Getting admission into the prominent IITs is the dream of every engineering aspirant. IIT-JEE is considered one of the toughest competitive examinations not only in India but also in the world. Students begin their preparation journey before completing their higher secondary education to get admission into an elite IIT.

JEE Main and JEE advance is not completely difficult to crack. With the proper strategy and the relevant resources, you can easily land a decent rank in IIT-JEE. This article lists the best book resources for JEE Main and JEE Advanced textbooks that make your way to crack JEE 2022.

How can we choose the best books for JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

There are plenty of books available in the market, and choosing the right book for JEE Main and JEE Advanced can be very confusing. Choosing the right book can assure your success in JEE Main and JEE Advanced. 

Topper Tips

  • Know your syllabus
  • Start With whole books, i.e.NCERT, to strengthen your concepts.
  • Make your short notes (e.g., use the mind mapping technique). 
  • Practice JEE Mains and Advanced previous year questions multiple times.
  • Give daily jee main mock test.
  • Rely on limited resources and practice them multiple times.
  • Revise Math, Physics, and Chemistry formulae regularly. 

Best IIT JEE Main and Advanced Textbooks to Help You Crack JEE 2022


Many Students find chemistry easy because of fewer calculations. Most of the questions are asked theoretically. If you have a good understanding of chemical reactions, this subject feels like child play. You can start with foundation books NCERT for conceptual understanding, but it is insufficient.

To get a good score in chemistry subjects, you have to move ahead with advanced books. Here we have provided the best books for JEE Main and JEE Advanced preparation that will surely help you ace this subject.

Organic Chemistry Books Author
1 11th NCERT

12th NCERT

2 Organic Chemistry O.P. Tandon
3 Concepts of Organic Chemistry M.S. Chouhan
4 Organic Chemistry Peter Sykes
5 Organic Chemistry Morrison, Boyd and Bhattacharjee

Click here for all Organic Chemistry ncert solutions and practice questions based on the latest pattern.

Inorganic Chemistry Books Author
1 11th NCERT

12th NCERT

2 Inorganic Chemistry O.P. Tandon
3 Inorganic Chemistry J.D. Lee
4 Advanced theory in Organic Chemistry M.S. Chouhan

Physical Chemistry Books Author
1 Numerical chemistry R.C. Mukharjee
2 Physical Chemistry P. Bahadur

Click here for all physical chemistry formulas along with NCERT solution practice questions based on the latest pattern.


Physics haunts many JEE aspirants. It is designed in a way to check the practical and conceptual concepts of an aspirant. NCERT helps you to make your concepts and understanding  better, make sure you buy these recommended books after NCERT. Here we have listed the best Physics books for JEE Main and JEE Advanced. Books Author
1 11th and 12th NCERT NCERT
2 Concepts of Physics volume1 and volume2 H.C. Verma
3 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, Resnick & Walker
4 Objective Physics D.C. Pandey
5 Problems in Physics  A.A Pinsky

Click here for science formulas for Physics and chemistry subject.


Mathematics is a nightmare for many JEE aspirants but many find it very interesting to solve math problems. This section is designed to check your speed and aptitude. This section is full of concepts and calculations where you have to apply formulas and short tricks to solve the questions in minimum time. This section is a game of practice, the more you practice and revise math formulas the more you ace this section. 

As we discussed above, to master any subject, master concepts. First you have to start with NCERT, make your own notes and formula sheet then jump on any other advanced books. These are some reference math books for JEE Main and JEE Advanced. Books Author 
1 NCERT for 11th and 12th NCERT
2 IIT Mathematics M.L. Khanna
3 11th and 12th Mathematics R.D. Sharma
4 Complete mathematics for JEE Main Tata Mcgraw Hills
5 Higher algebra Hall knight
6 Trigonometry and coordinate geometry  S.L. Lonely
7 New pattern of IIT and JEE S.K. Goyal

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • How many questions should I practice to crack JEE Main and JEE Advanced?

Ans- It depends upon your ability and understanding. If you are a beginner or weak in something, you need to practice more and more questions, or if you are good at solving queries and have been preparing for a long time, then you don’t need to give much time.

  • When should I give the JEE Main and JEE Advanced mock test?

Ans- When you complete your syllabus with more than 70 percent, you should start giving mock tests because if you start giving mocks before completing your syllabus, you will lose your confidence because of getting low marks. You can take mocks once a week or every day according to your scheduled time. Try giving mock tests between exam times to get habitual of it.

  • How to solve the JEE Main question paper?

Ans- Solving jee main question papers requires proper strategy and planning. You cannot blindly start solving the JEE Main paper. You should attempt the paper in several steps. In the first steps solve the easy question. In the second attempt, solve those questions in which you are confident and at last try to attempt those questions which you find difficult to solve. So in this way you can attempt maximum questions without losing your marks and confidence.  


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