Bean bags are the best and most affordable way to make the living space complete and comfortable. They not only offer additional seating but also a place to sleep when one has guests in the house. But now that a person has to figure out to choose the right sized Ultimate Sack bean bag. It is imperative to know what bean bag size suits the best for the individual needs. This article is all about some tips that will help one pick the right bean bag size.

Basic Bean Bag Sizes

The Ultimate Sack bean bags are available in sizes for all ages. Whether a person is looking for a bean bag for a toddler, kid, teenager, or adult, he or she will find a bean bag suiting personal needs. Here mentioned are some sizes in which bean bag chairs are available:

36 cm wide

One can find some bean bags as small as 36 cm in the width. Such bean bags are considered a great fit for housing dolls side by side with their owner. Also, they can fit children’s favorite stuffed animals.

  • 60 cm wide

These are small bean bags, specially made for toddlers. But these can also be bought got small pets or as footrests. Now that 60 cm wide bean bags are small in size they can be easily stored and moved from room to room.

  • 80 cm wide

Beans bags found in 80 cm wide sizes are perfect for condominiums. If the space available is less than 1.5 meters then consider looking for such bean bags. Although it might be a tight fit, an 81 cm wide bean bag can be used by both kids and adults.

  • 96 cm wide

This is the perfect-sized bean bag suitable for both children and adults. 96 cm wide bean bags are less than one meter in diameter. Therefore, these provide enough space for relaxing.

  • 120 cm wide

Covering more than 4 feet of space, 120 cm wide bean bag chairs are used by adults and are the best bean bags for teenagers. They are wide enough to fit more than a couple of kids. These bean bags are categorized as extra-large.

Other Bean Bag Sizes

If one is in the market for a couch, slab, or sofa bed, below-mentioned are the sizes one can find:

  • Sofa bed

This cost-effective alternative to a traditional sofa bed comes with removable bean sacks in different sizes ranging from 90 cm wide to 120 cm wide.

  • Couch

A small bean bag couch is around 150 cm long and 90 cm wide and the larger ones are 200 cm long and 90 cm wide.

  • Slabs

These bean bags are used as a chair or a bed. The smallest is 100 cm wide and the largest one is 140 cm wide.


Ultimate Sack bean bags are a cool alternative touch to home furnishings. But buying the one means choosing the right size for the available space. The bean bag size to buy cfcnet depends on available space and also who will be using it.


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