Switching to a healthy diet doesn’t mean giving up familiar and favorite foods. It’s enough to replace some components with healthier products and add some physical activity. Then you will get the desired effect: your metabolism will speed up and gradual weight loss will begin.

Switching to a healthy diet doesn’t mean abandoning your usual and favorite foods and getting rid of activities like those when you learn more about Sportsbook Canada or watch Netflix the whole evening. It’s enough to replace some components of more useful products and add some exercise. Then you get the desired effect: accelerate the metabolism and begin a gradual weight loss.


Grain is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, E, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc. Quinoa is easy to digest, provides the body with energy, and improves metabolism. The protein in this cereal promotes fast satiety and helps build muscle mass. White rice can also be substituted for brown rice, as it’s similar to quinoa in many ways.


With the new eating principle, you will have to give up white bread. You can eat whole grain bread, oatmeal bread or yeast-free pita bread. The latter is low in calories and fat, but has vitamins B1 and PP, as well as phosphorus, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, and molybdenum.

Fruit Water

Bright, sweet juices, including freshly squeezed juices, contain a lot of sugar and sweet syrup. You should replace them with fruit water, which is quite easy to make. It will easily refresh you on a hot summer day, but it won’t harm your body.

To make it, you can use any favorite berries. Crush them with a mortar or fork, fill with water, and leave in the fridge for a few minutes. Garnish your drink with mint, thyme, lemon grass or lime leaves.

Fresh Chopped Tomatoes

It’s time to talk about ketchup. It contains a lot of sugar and other components that are not only bad for your figure, but also for your health. Prepare your own sauce instead. To do this, chop the tomatoes and add your favorite herbs and spices.

Tomatoes contain vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, potassium, silicon, cobalt, copper. Let your body get all the benefits of fresh, juicy, delicious tomatoes.

Whole-grain Pasta

Replace regular pasta with whole-grain pasta. They are much healthier and more nutritious, but also with them you will stop gaining extra weight.

They are made from a particular type of flour. In this case, the grain is crushed, but not sifted. Minimal processing of raw materials allows the product to retain many valuable substances. 

This is really a worthy substitute for simple noodles. Such a product contains complex carbs, amino acids, B vitamins, vegetable protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and other useful substances.

Corn Flour Tortillas

Corn tortillas are less caloric than wheat tortillas. The composition includes magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, selenium, as well as vitamins B1, PP.  Dietary fiber facilitates the digestive system, valuable elements improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Such a product will be a valuable addition to the dietary diet. It contains complex carbohydrates, so they are slowly broken down and digested. As a result, there is no spike in blood sugar levels after consuming corn tortillas.

The Main Rules of Eating

Remember, there are some rules to follow while dieting. We can buy the highest quality and most useful products, but if we don’t stick to the principles of eating, we won’t be able to lose the extra weight:

  • Don’t skip meals and try to eat at the same time.
  • Start exercising. If you dislike active sports, take up yoga or stretching.
  • Try to give up bad habits: night snacking, excessive consumption of fatty foods, spicy foods, salty foods, and processed foods.
  • Observe the norm of consumption even if it’s a matter of nuts, avocados, and olive oil.
  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Don’t watch YouTube or TV while eating, don’t reply to social media posts, and don’t swipe your feed.
  • Do away with deep and large plates. Eat only in small portions.

As you may have seen, dieting isn’t about restricting food, but about replacing unhealthy foods with their healthy counterparts. Your menu will remain varied and interesting, but your figure will be slim.


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