Hiring can be a lengthy process, particularly when you’re seeking someone with a specific skill set or area of expertise. Engineering is an important skill for many projects, but it can sometimes be difficult to find the right person. Here are three important facts about hiring an engineer.
1. Look for Someone With Appropriate Credentials
Not only do you need to hire a licensed professional engineer, but you also need to hire someone with experience in the type of engineering project you’re working on. Engineering is a wide field with many specialties and sub-disciplines, so you need to hire the right kind of engineer for your project. If, for example, your project involves construction, you’re more likely to need a structural or civil engineer than a mechanical or computer engineer.
2. Get All Agreements in Writing
When you hire someone, make sure you keep a written record of all agreements, including employment contracts, budgetary agreements and project plans. This will help you have that information easily available for future reference. Make sure your written agreements include information such as company culture, benefits, salary or hourly wages and project hours. Remember, you should only sign written agreements after you have made the offer, any negotiations have taken place and the engineer has accepted the offer.
3. Interview Him or Her
The interview is one of the most important parts of the hiring process. During this meeting, you can ask the engineer any questions you want about his or her career, background, skills and interests. Ask for information about the engineer’s past projects, education and professional credentials. The engineer can also ask you questions about your project.
Remember to build a relationship with your engineer after hiring him or her. This helps you keep the project streamlined and ensures you can ask questions or provide input when necessary.